City Leaders
The Mayor and city officials take a proactive approach to the economic development and quality of life projects that foster economic vitality and make Long Prairie an incredible place to live. All are welcome to attend Council Meetings for up-to-date information on the city and current projects.
The Long Prairie City Council meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Long Prairie City Hall, 615 Lake Street South, Long Prairie, MN on the first and third Mondays of each month. Agendas are posted on this web site and at city hall the Friday prior to regular meetings.
Mayor: David Wright -
Council Members:
Lilah Gripne, Council Member -
Jim Kreemer, Council Member -
Clint Krueger, Council Member -
JoAnn Schroeder, Council Member -
Areas of Responsibility:
Public Works, Airport, and Park & Recreation: Clint Krueger
Public Safety, EDA: David Wright
Health & Wellness, Library: Lilah Gripne
Planning & Zoning, Liquor Store: Jim Kreemer
Administration, Community Concern for Youth & Elders, Tourism:
Acting Mayor: David Wright
Council Organization:
Mayor: A two-year term
Four council members: Four-year terms
Long Prairie is a Statutory City and is Part of the Following:
Legislative District: 11B
Congressional District: 7
Contact Information:
Long Prairie City Hall
615 Lake Street South
Long Prairie, MN 56347
Phone: 320.732.2167
FAX: 320.732.2847
City Hall Hours:
Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.