Site Selection 2020: The Importance of “Regional Depth” with Global Reach

Monday, September 14, 2020

The last several years of corporate site selection have been influenced by many trends. Among these are corporate tax cuts, a red-hot industrial real estate market, the explosion of e-commerce, increasing trade protectionism, record economic growth and, in a stunning reversal, a global health pandemic and recession. It seems the ever-shifting tide of global and domestic affairs can be confusing at best and downright frightening at worst to corporate executives evaluating where to locate their next headquarters, newest manufacturing plant, or distribution center. Risk and uncertainty have never seemed higher, and without looking deeper and thinking differently, it can be hard to figure out what underlying community characteristics one can count on while navigating choppy waters to select a location that will be successful in the short and long term, irrespective of current or future growth cycles and economic shocks.

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